- Forays in Drug Discovery 2018-07-01
- 【软物质科学系列报告63】Lewis Pairs for Small Molecule Catalysis and Macromolecule Synthesis 2018-06-25
- 从激子迁移与电荷传输调控构建高性能有机太阳能电池 2018-07-08
- Zero and Infinity in Physics 2018-07-08
- Parity-time Symmetric Photonics 2018-07-01
- Topological metals and quantum simulations 2018-06-14
- The Neuroscience of affective touch 2018-06-21
- Am I Gay? Sexual Orientation in Adolescence and Mental Health 2018-06-22
- Development of Cr and U isotope methods for environmental investigations 2018-06-06
- GNSS Atmospheric Seismology: Observations and Modelling 2018-06-06
- 未来城市研究讲座——Making an Urban Ecotopia in China : Knowledge, Power, and Governmentality 2018-06-11
- 未来城市研究讲座——产城融合的中国模式 2018-06-06
- Genetic Adaptation to Diet during Human Evolution and the Future of Personalized Nutrition 2018-06-25
- Unraveling the Mechanism of Hedgehog Signal Reception 2018-06-18
- 【北京大学物理化学长葛未名创新工场讲座】Efficient Hot Electron Transfer by Plasmon Induced Interfacial Charge Transfer Transition 2018-06-21
- 【化生系系列报告】Targeting tumor tissue to generate innate and adaptive immunity 2018-06-25
- 【有机化学OPSS报告】亚甲胺叶立德在手性杂环与α-氨基酸合成中的应用研究 2018-06-21
- 数字的力量——北京大学与未来科学大奖联合学术报告 2017-10-19
- How biogeochemicl processess interact with the environment 2017-02-18
- 生命的礼赞——未来科学大奖与北京大学联合学术报告会 2017-01-06